Full Details

Friday, March 22

Technology, Humanity, and Social Justice
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, European Studies Center and Global Studies Center along with Carnegie Mellon University
Veroncia Dristas
Contact Email:

As humans rely more and more on electronic devices to support their everyday activities, there are ever present warnings about the impacts such reliance has on human autonomy ranging from who owns and controls information networks, the inequitable impact of technology consumption on peoples and places, varying accessibility of technology around the globe, and the promises and limitations of technology in improving human health.

In Spring 2024, the focus will be on the impact technology has on criminal justice. This will include a discussion about technology’s impact on human safety, including the increasing use of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and other technology by various authorities of the criminal justice system. This will include discussions on the benefits and risks in the implementation and automation of such technology within criminal justice apparatuses. We will also consider how such implementation differs across global criminal justice systems, including how this technology is governed.