Full Details

Thursday, September 3

Pitt in the Pacific Information Session
4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
3106 Posvar Hall (Anthropology Lounge)
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center along with Department of Anthropology

Open House, Reception, Registration, Recruitment
Don't miss this Opportunity to learn about and be a part of the PITT IN THE PACIFIC, a full-semester study abroad experience starting January 2016.
Learn how you can:
-Assist after Natural Disasters
-Understand Displacements caused by Climatic Change
-Learn about Indigenous Peoples' life-worlds and History
-Learn how Peace-making efforts work

Register for the study abroad program now at http://www.abroad.pitt.edu/pacific or come by the Anthropology lounge on September 3 or 10, 4:30-6, to learn more!