Full Details

Friday, April 13

"The Logic of Racial Practice: Embodiment, Habitus, and Implicit Bias" Symposium
Session 3 of Symposium Presentations
1:45 pm to 3:15 pm
602 Cathedral of Learning (Humanities Center)
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Director's Office along with This symposium has been generously sponsored by the following grants: The Year of Healthy U, Dietrich Faculty Research and Scholarship Program, University Research Council, Office of Diversity & Inclusion Mini-Grant Program, the Humanities Center Collaborative Research Grant, the Hewlett International Grant Program, and the Pitt Interdisciplinary Humanities Grant. The symposium has also been generously co-sponsored by the following departments and centers: Department of Religious Studies, World History Center, Africana Studies Department, Office of Health Sciences Diversity, Department of Anthropology, Department of Philosophy, Center for Philosophy of Science, Duquesne University Philosophy Department and and the Simon Silverman Center (Duquesne University)
Dr. Brock Bahler
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Lacey Davidson [PhD candidate, Purdue University] & Dr. Daniel Kelly [Purdue], “Minding the Gap: Individual Biases, Soft Structures, and the Psychology of Social Norms”
Dr. Terrance MacMullan [Eastern Washington University], “The American Redoubt and the Coyolxauqui Imperative”