Full Details

Monday, March 15

Charlemos Series: Avanzando hacia hacia atrás? Elecciones y democracia en Ecuador
3:00 pm
Andrés Mejía Acosta, Diana Dávila Gordillo, and John Polga-Hecimovich
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies along with Latin American Political Institutions Section LASA
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La duodécima conferencia de Charlemos tendrá lugar el 15 de marzo de 2021 a las 15:00 EST. El tema de la conferencia será "Avanzando hacia atrás? Elecciones y democracia en Ecuador." Andrés Mejía Acosta (King's College London) moderará una conversación entre John Polga-Hecimovich (U.S. Naval Academy) y Diana Dávila Gordillo (University of Leiden). John Polga-Hecimovich hablará de su artículo (forthcoming), "Old Habits Die Hard: Ecuador's Return to Political Instablity" (escrito con Francisco Sánchez) que se publicará en Journal of Democracy en junio. Diana Dávila Gordillo hablará de su texto, "Pachakutik, the Indigenous Voters, and Segmented Mobilisation Strategies." La charla será en español.

The twelfth Charlemos event will take place on March 15, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST. The topic of discussion will be "Progressing Backwards? Elections and Democracy in Ecuador." Andrés Mejía Acosta (King's College London) will moderate a conversation between John Polga-Hecimovich (U.S. Naval Academy) y Diana Dávila Gordillo (University of Leiden). John Polga-Hecimovich will discuss his forthcoming article, "Old Habits Die Hard: Ecuador's Return to Political Instablity, " (co-written with Francisco Sánchez) which will be published in June in the Journal of Democracy. Diana Dávila Gordillo will discuss her text, "Pachakutik, the Indigenous Voters, and Segmented Mobilisation Strategies." The talk will be in Spanish.

Registration required: https://tinyurl.com/enfd7qo2