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Tuesday, April 6

Global Careers in Pittsburgh and Beyond: A Conversation with Jenna Baron and Eric Reidy
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Sponsored by:
Director's Office, Global Studies Center and Global Hub

Join UCIS and our Emerging Global Leaders in Residence Jenna Baron ('13) and Eric Reidy ('12) for a discussion on their careers in migration and working with immigrant and refugee communities in the U.S. and abroad. This discussion is geared towards current students and recent graduates who are interested in these topics and working with these communities. If you are looking for advice on how to get started, how to decide on career paths, and how to just figure things out, please join us!

Jenna Baron is a co-founder and the Executive Director of ARYSE. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, Global Studies, and African Studies in 2013 from the University of Pittsburgh. Jenna is a 2013 Fulbright Scholar, 2015 Humanity in Action John Lewis Fellow, New Leaders Council Pittsburgh Alumna, a board member for the World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Program, and in 2019, was recognized as one of Pittsburgh’s 40 Under 40. Jenna’s work is largely motivated by Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed and believes that education can be a tool for liberation.

Eric Reidy is a journalist and the Migration Editor-at-large for The New Humanitarian currently based in Goa, India. He has reported extensively on migration in the Mediterranean as well as on humanitarian aid work and anti-migrant vigilante groups at the US-Mexico border and the effort to document crimes and push for accountability in Syria’s civil war. Eric's work has taken him to Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Niger, Italy, France and Greece, among other countries. He graduated from the University of Pittsburgh with a BPhil in International and Area Studies and History in 2012.

Register here: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uduqppjouGtRUtM5zJhf-oeqeL3qR9RLL