Over the past year, the Eastern Mediterranean has become a hotbed of geopolitical tensions. Long-established local rivalries have attracted new players and have become increasingly entangled with other major disputes, including those over gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean and continued instability in Libya. H.E. Alexandra Papadopoulou, Greece’s ambassador to the United States, and H.E. Marios Lysiotis, the Republic of Cyprus’ ambassador to the United States, and Matthew Palmer, Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs for the US State Department, will discuss these subjects and more during a virtual conversation. SIS professor Doga Eralp will moderate the discussion, followed by a Q&A with the audience.
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Ambassador Marios Lysiotis has been the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to the US since September 2018. His previous roles include Diplomatic Advisor to the Minister of Defense, Ambassador to France, Ambassador to Austria, Permanent Delegate to UNESCO and OSCE, and many others.
Ambassador Alexandra Papadopoulou is the first female Ambassador of Greece to the US. Prior to that, she was also the First Female Permanent Representative of Greece to the European Union and served in other important positions, such as Head of the Diplomatic Cabinet of the Prime Minister, Director General for European Affairs/in charge of the Greek Presidency of the EU in 2014, Head of the Greek Liaison Office in Skopje and Deputy Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations. She also served as Head of the European Union Rule of Law Mission (EULEX) in Kosovo.
Matthew Palmer is a member of the Senior Foreign Service (class of Counselor) and serves currently as Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs with responsibility for the Western Balkans and the Aegean. Previously, he was Director of the Office of South Central Europe. Earlier tours included Belgrade, Nicosia, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and various positions in Washington, D.C., including on the Secretary’s Policy Planning staff and at the National Security Council.
Professor Doga Eralp (moderator) is a senior professorial lecturer at American University's School of International Service. He is a scholar-practitioner of international conflict resolution with more than a decade of experience in international dialogue facilitation. His work focuses on social media and peace processes, cultures of violence, narrative mediation, collective memory, security and peace regimes, regional organizations, international mediation and democratization. Professor Eralp has also been consulting various think-tanks and international organizations such as the World Bank, NED and the UNOPS. He has a number of articles and book chapters published on the Western Balkans, Middle East, Cyprus, European Union and Turkey.
Full Details
Tuesday, April 6
JMintheUS: Spotlight on the Eastern Mediterranean

2:00 pm
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center along with American University Transatlantic Policy Center