Full Details

Saturday, May 8

Russian Film Symposium 2021: Kostas Marsaan’s Ich-chi
11:00 am
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies along with the Office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences, The Humanities Center, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, Film and Media Studies Program, Graduate Program for Cultural Studies and The Pittsburgh Foundation

This panel will include a screening and discussion of Ich-chi (2021), a hypnotic ethnic horror film from the Republic of Sakha, the largest Russian region with the only full-fledged film industry outside Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. Filmed in half Sakha and half Russian, Ich-chi tells a story about the local spirit, collective memory, and national imagination. Ich-chi is the first Sakha film that has got international distribution.
This screening will be geographically restricted to the United States only.

Curator and Host: Eva Ivanilova, Ph.D. Candidate
Film and Media Studies Program
Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Pittsburgh

Introducers: Kostas Marsan, Director, Ich-chi
Marianna Siegen, Producer, Ich-chi
Founder and CEO, Art Doydu Film Company

Respondent: Neepa Majumdar, Associate Professor
Film and Media Studies Program
Department of English
University of Pittsburgh

Please register for the film screening here: https://watch.eventive.org/rfs/play/6074a3a0ddc59900cb3b42ef
Register for the introduction and discussion here: https://pitt.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_T6mvBVYnRAiQoBAXYBtxnw