Full Details

Friday, September 17

Virtual Leadership Dialogue & Training with Sakun Gajurel
12:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Sponsored by:
Director's Office along with Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership and Graduate School of Public Health

In a growingly diverse academic and professional settings, inclusive leadership is paramount. This 3-hour virtual leadership dialogue and training aims to equip graduate students with the skills necessary to lead, communicate, and work in diverse settings, such as international development or diplomacy. In this interactive training, students will work in pairs, small groups, and teams to practice empathetic listening, respectful communication, and cultural understanding.

Facilitator: Sakun Gajurel
Sakun is a 2021 University of Pittsburgh UCIS Emerging Global Leader. Born and raised in Nepal, she holds degrees in international development policy from Duke University, and development, innovation, and change from University of Bologna. As a development sector professional, she has worked closely with many communities, and values local knowledge in development efforts. She has work for FAO, WFP, UNICEF, and numerous others.

Register here: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtdOmspjovG9FS-OP_aleEq3X4nWuZzQgM