The film centers around Tenzin, a modern man single-mindedly focused on creating Kathmandu’s first “European style” café. He’s being haunted by visions but, being a committed atheist, brushing off his visions and his best friend’s superstitious. However, Tenzin’s visions and the prognostications of a monk oracle lead him on a chase through Katmandu to find a dakini--the lady with fangs and a mustache who maybe able to help avoid a cursed fate. Modern and ancient worlds collide as the film explores what director Khyentse Norbu calls “some of the last genuine residues of Tibetan mysticism.
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Full Details
Saturday, November 13
Looking for a Lady With Fangs and a Mustache
SCREENSHOT: Asia Special Film Screening

7:00 pm
Frick Fine Arts Auditorium 0125
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Asian Studies Center along with Screenshot: Asia