Interested in current events? Enjoy writing? Want to work abroad? Learn how two Pitt alums entered the field of journalism and are coving major news stories. Jessica Rohan '13, MA, is a multimedia reporter, writer, and researcher for the BBC, The Intercept, Insider Inc., the New Yorker, Wired UK, Outline, Vice, Deutsche Welle, and other outlets. Eric Reidy'12 is Eric Reidy is an award-winning journalist and the Migration Editor-at-large for The New Humanitarian. He has reported extensively on migration in the Mediterranean as well as on humanitarian aid work and anti-migrant vigilante groups at the US-Mexico border and the effort to document crimes and atrocities in Syria’s civil war.
Political instability and competition over diminishing resources creates a dangerous environment for the health and welfare of vulnerable populations. Speakers in this area work within the non-profit arena in order to maintain peace, alleviate poverty, educate and advocate.