Dr. Eddie Bonilla is currently a Postdoctoral associate in Latinx Studies and teaches in the History Department at the University of Pittsburgh. He joined Pitt after being a Postdoctoral fellow in Ethnic Studies at the University of Illinois from 2019-2020. Eddie received his PhD in History from Michigan State University in 2019. His most recent article, “Latina/o Communists, Activism, and the FBI during the Chicana/o and New Communist Movements” was published by the Southern California Quarterly in March 2022. He is currently working on his book manuscript, Homegrown Communists in the Age of Reagan: Multi-Racial Politics and Socialist Revolution.
Full Details
Thursday, April 28
CLAS Speaker Series: Homegrown Latina/o Communists from the 1960s-1980s
12:30 pm
Eddie Bonilla, PhD
4217 Posvar/Zoom
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Center for Latin American Studies
Alexis Takoushian
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