Full Details

Wednesday, September 27

Hungarians in Pittsburgh: Joe Magarac: Folklore or Fakelore?
4:00 pm
4130 Posvar
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, European Studies Center, Global Hub and Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs along with University Library System; Hungarian Room Committee

As a part of the University of Pittsburgh Library System's Hungarians in Pittsburgh Exhibit, this panel explores the complex and contradictory tall tale figure of Joe Magarac, the Mon Valley's man of steel. After the panel, attendees will take a tour of Joe Magarac related items from the University Library System Archives in the Global Hub. Light refreshments will be available.

Kathy Haines, Head of the Center for Amercian Music

Clare Withers, Nesbitt Collection Curator
Dr. Andrew Lotz, Professor and Assistant Dean in Arts and Sciences
Dr. Kirsten Paine, Archivisit at Rivers of Steel