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Wednesday, February 7

Professional Development Webinars - The German-speaking Academia: A Road Map to Navigating Research Institutions Beyond Universities
12:00 pm
Dr. Peter Haslinger, Director, Herder Institute
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies and European Studies Center along with Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Herder Institute for Historical Research in East-Central Europe
Zsuzsanna Magdo
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Our center is excited to announce the launch of professional development webinars offered by the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East-Central Europe. Are you a scholar or academic professional curious about European higher education and research? Discover opportunities to enhance your career mobility and research. This series is co-sponsored by the American Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and the European Studies Center.

Germany provides a highly developed network of university and non-university expertise for Eastern Europe and the post-Soviet states. The first webinar presented by the Herder Institute will provide a survey of all existing centers and institutions, and give an overview about their regional focus, research hubs, collections and infrastructures. For the purpose of drawing a more general picture, the discussion will include centers located in Austria and Switzerland in addition to those in Germany. Participants will gain insight into the present state and future development of East European Studies in these three countries and will learn how to organize a research trip and find the best opportunity for individual topics.

To register, visit http://aseees.org/programs/webinars.

Speaker's Bio: Peter Haslinger is Professor of East-Central European History at the Justus Liebig University Giessen and Director of the Herder Institute in Marburg, a research institution affiliated with the Leibniz Association and specializing in the history, art history and digital humanities of East Central Europe. Dr. Haslinger is Principal Investigator at the Giessen Center for Eastern European Studies, the International Center for the Study of Culture, and the Center for Media and Interactivity, all located at the Justus Liebig University. He likewise functions as a spokesperson for the Herder Institute Research Academy, which aims to bridge the gap between scholarship in Eastern European Studies and the development of research infrastructures. His scholarly interest focuses on the history of the Habsburg Monarchy and successor states in the 19th and 20th centuries. He has published widely on Hungarian, Czech and Slovak history as well as on questions of nation, region and cultural diversity, on cartography and questions of security. Dr. Haslinger is the spokesperson for the project group that enhances the visibility of Eastern European Studies across disciplines within the Leibniz Association. He is likewise involved in activities for the enhancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences on the European level, among others as a member of the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Network board.

Next webinar

March 7, 12 p.m. (EST)
Introducing the Herder Institute: Collections, Funding Opportunities, and Higher Education Partnerships