Full Details

Friday, February 8

Social, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Climate Change in the Caribbean
Panoramas Roundtable
1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
4217 Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
Rosa De Ferrari
Contact Email:

Join Panoramas in a discussion about climate change in the Caribbean

Friday, February 8th
4217 Posvar Hall
1:00 PM

Pizza provided! Free & open to the public!

Panoramas provides a web-based venue for thoughtful dialogue of Latin American and Caribbean issues. By enabling a voice for scholars, students, policy makers and others to engage in constructive commentary on relevant current and historical topics, the forum also serves as an academic resource to worldwide educational audiences. Housed at the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, and maintained by CLAS faculty, students and alumni, Panoramas strives to be at the forefront of scholarly analysis of affairs in the Latin American region.

For more information and to join the conversation, visit:

For more information on the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, visit: