Full Details

Thursday, October 17

Atoms and Aliens in Eurasian Science Fiction
4:00 pm
Anindita Banerjee, Department of Comparative Literature, Cornell University
5405 Wesley W. Posvar Hall
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Center for African Studies, Asian Studies Center, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, Director's Office, European Studies Center and Global Studies Center along with Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies, Department of Communications, Department of History, Cultural Studies Program and World History Center
Sera Passerini
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Since the mid-20th century, science fiction has shaped our view of the nuclear. The possibilities and horrors of the nuclear has had a comparable impact on utopian and dystopian science fiction. American science fiction fans are well versed in the tropes. What was the relationship between the atom and Soviet/Post-Soviet science fiction? In this live interview, Anindita Banerjee will discuss the imagination of the nuclear in Soviet and post-Soviet science fiction.