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Thursday, September 26

Hispanic Discussion Round Tables
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Hillman Library, G-49 Digital Scholarship Commons
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies and Director's Office along with University Library System (ULS)

The Hispanic Discussion Roundtables is an event to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at the University of Pittsburgh (September 15-October 15, 2019). Join the University Library System (ULS) as we host 5 Latino/as from various parts of Latin America to share their culture, their family structure and experiences in small group settings at Hillman Library.

The goal of the Hispanic Discussion Roundtables is to build understanding and challenge stereotypes and prejudices associated with Latino/s through friendly dialogue at the ULS. These open conversations can lead to greater acceptance and inclusion in the community.

Registration is required: https://pitt.libcal.com/event/5694873