Full Details

Wednesday, September 9

Manifest Destinies: Russian and American Empire
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Willard Sunderland, Daniel Immerwahr
Zoom (Register Online)
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Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies along with Carnegie Corporation of New York
Sera Passerini
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A live interview with Willard Sunderland (University of Cincinnati) and Daniel Immerwahr (Northwestern University)

Register: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAldOmgrDspG9BtWbUj2qo18KaJwKpRDx84

The 19th century was the Age of Empires, as the late Eric Hobsbawm put it. Unlike the British and French empire, the Russian and American empires were continental—they expanded over land and either cleansed, displaced, or incorporated the indigenous populations they encountered. Moreover, the Russian and American empires included settlement, ideas of the frontier, and a shared sense of historical mission. This live interview with Willard Sunderland and Daniel Immerwahr will discuss the similarities and differences between the Russian and American empires and how they fit into the larger Age of Empires.