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Friday, October 9

Will Austerity Persist? Challenging 50 Years of Elite-Centered Government
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Dr. Jon Shefner, University of Tennessee
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Global Studies Center along with Department of Sociology and The World History Center
Free and Open to the Public
Veronica Dristas
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Shefner’s new book, Why Austerity Persists, traces the 45-year history of austerity policies and how they became the go-to policy for a host of economic problems in countries worldwide. This presentation considers critical questions such as: Why has austerity persisted as a policy, despite evidence that it often does not work? How have austerity policies evolved over recent decades, and who are the powerful people and institutions imposing them across the globe? Most importantly, what steps can be taken to challenge the powerful interests now calling for renewed austerity measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Join on Zoom: https://pitt.zoom.us/j/92243690147