Full Details

Tuesday, November 10

No End in Sight? Epidemic Temporalities and Narratives in Modern Europe
12:00 pm
Dora Vargha (Exeter University)
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center and European Union Center of Excellence along with Center for European Studies at the University of Florida
Amie Kreppel; Corinne Tomasi
Contact Email:
kreppel@ufl.edu; corie@ufl.edu

In the past year more people have become familiar with the graph of the epidemic curve than ever before. Beginnings, peaks and endings of COVID-19 occupy everyday discussions, inform policies, shape social interactions and provide bases for criticism and political action. What constitutes an ending, when that endpoint is and what might bring it about is more and more unclear, however. Through historical case studies, this talk explores some of the stakes in how we think about the temporalities of epidemics, and how their historical framing may impact on public health responses.

Event Registration:https://ufl.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d5MQzqD6SfOBZvETP9wd4A
