A documentary by Mo Asumang, German media personality, filmmaker, and Afro-German activist. After receiving death threats from the White Aryan Rebels, Mo Asumang sets out to discover the history and meaning of the word Aryan. This designation was used by racists in the 19th century, designated the master race in Nazi Germany, and is used by white supremacists today. After finding her own grandmother's Aryan Pass, Mo Asumang begins a journey that takes her to Nazi rallies and meetings with racists in Germany but also to KKK gatherings and conversations with white supremacists in the USA. On her journey, she discusses her project with academics, intellectuals, a Holocaust survivor as well, all the while seeking to understand how Aryan motivates people to express violence and hatred to others. A personal film with great resonance today.
Event Registration: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uf-iorj8qGtDrSAnbXNKZHKPh4rqRJO6Y
Full Details
Thursday, October 22
Conversation with Filmmaker Mo Asumang about Die Arier (The Aryans) (2014)
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center and European Union Center of Excellence along with Department of German