Full Details

Tuesday, March 9

Waste Not, Want Not: Trash and Recycling in Eurasia
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Elana Resnick and Viktor Pal
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Sera Passerini
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A live interview with Elana Resnick (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Viktor Pal (University of Helsinki). 

Register via Zoom here: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsc-GtrDwqHtAFNYiaO2HUNQNc5_tI2B-m

The existential threat of climate change has inspired renewed intellectual engagement with the Anthropocene. Eurasian Studies are no exception to this trend. In the last decade, studies that grapple with the past, present, and potential future of the human-nature dialectic are on the uptick. These studies have forced us to reconsider intellectual and ideological paradigms, sources, mission, and role of scholar in society.

Nature’s Revenge: Ecology, Animals, and Waste in Eurasia seeks to bring some of this scholarship and activism to a wider public through a series of live-recorded interviews. The goal is to illuminate recent scholarship and complicate our understanding of the Eurasian Anthropocene and its place in our world.