What's in a Name?

A Series on Name Diversity, Identity, and Inclusion
Activity Type: 
Lecture Series / Brown Bag
Promo Image: 
Manuel Roman Lacayo
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 - 12:00 to 13:00
Event Status: 
As Scheduled
Contact Email: 

Can names create subconscious bias? What is the history of our given name? Does the region where our name is most popular impact how we are perceived? How do social status and laws affect our name? Why is it so challenging to ask someone how their name is pronounced?

This series aims to open a doorway to explore issues that affect us every day, and that, ultimately, reverberate through the most intimate aspects of who we are. While we will explore basic tools and name etiquette, with the kindness and respect we all deserve, we intend to reflect about what our names say about us, and how they may be used to define who we are. Please join our exploration of a crucial topic seldom discussed.

UCIS Unit: 
Asian Studies Center
Center for African Studies
Center for Latin American Studies
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Global Hub
Office of International Services
Global Experiences Office
UCIS Engagement
Is Event Already in University Calendar?: 
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