Leadership Workshop Series: Succeeding in Intergenerational Environments

Activity Type: 
Wednesday, February 23, 2022 - 13:30 to 14:30
Event Status: 
As Scheduled
Contact Person: 
Evelyn Zamora-Vargas
Contact Email: 

There are four primarily active generations in today's workforce: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y--with Generation Z just beginning to enter the workforce. Each generation comes with a unique set of outlooks, characteristics, values, and strengths. It is critical for employers to understand what motivates each generation to maintain a productive work environment. This workshop will highlight the value of intergenerational connections and contributions by focusing on what all generations can do to make the workplace more inclusive and innovative.

This workshop series is led by Hesselbein Forum Executive Coach Brigette Bethea and is open to all GSPIA students, faculty, staff, and alumi.

Register here: https://pitt.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtd-2ppz0sGtZQQxSpxksY2seMm-XoZ5NS

UCIS Unit: 
Global Hub
Other Pitt Sponsors: 
Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA)
Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership
Is Event Already in University Calendar?: 