Politics and First Jobs in REEES

Activity Type: 
Career Counselling
Promo Image: 
The Honorable Roman Popadiuk, Gillian Kemmerer, Joseph Millman
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 - 16:30 to 17:30
Event Status: 
As Scheduled

This 4:30 to 5:30 pm webinar (free and open to anyone who registers here) will focus on professions relating to and/or affected by U.S.-Russian relations and will highlight how graduates of Northeast U.S. institutions have navigated the start to their careers in the geopolitically troubled times of the past few years and of the Cold War’s escalation in the early 1980s. Our panel will feature recent graduates as well as the Honorable Roman Popadiuk, first U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, who entered the Foreign Service in 1981 after completing his advanced degrees at the CUNY Graduate Center.

This is a referred event.

UCIS Unit: 
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Non-University Sponsors: 
Yale MacMillan Center
Is Event Already in University Calendar?: 