EALL Colloquium: Dr. Hin Ming Frankie Chik

"Omnipotent" Transmitters and Specialized Creators: The "Confucianization" of the Classics in the "Treatise on Arts and Writings."
Activity Type: 
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Dr. Hin Ming Frankie Chik
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - 12:00
Event Status: 
As Scheduled
1219 Cathedral of Learning
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Hin Ming Frankie Chick is currently a Visiting Lecturer of Pre-modern Chinese Literature at the University of Pittsburgh. He studies primarily Chinese thought and history, and also works in related areas such as the religious history of China and the reception history of pre-modern Chinese literature. He is now working on his monograph, in which he examines how "approaching correctness" was used as a principle to promote the idea of Confucian cultural assimilation in ancient China.

UCIS Unit: 
Asian Studies Center
Is Event Already in University Calendar?: 