Serving the People: What It Means to Be a Representative

Activity Type: 
Promo Image: 
Tessa Provins, University of Pittsburgh
Monday, February 22, 2021 - 10:00
Event Status: 
As Scheduled


In this talk we will engage with the question: What does it mean to be a good representative? We will explore the different models of representation and apply these to real life situations. Next, we will explore ways to interact with your constituents and why that is so important in a representative democracy. Finally, we will conclude with a concrete discussion of ways that future leaders can use what we have learned to be better, more responsive representatives of the constituencies.

UCIS Unit: 
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Non-University Sponsors: 
პოლიტიკის საზაფხულო ინსტიტუტი/The Summer Institute of Politics
Is Event Already in University Calendar?: 