Week of September 22, 2024 in UCIS

Monday, September 23

6:00 pm Lecture
Jewish Immigration to Latin America: Brazil and Argentina
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
See Details

Free and open to the public

6:00 pm Student Club Activity
Bate-Papo: Portuguese Language Hour
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with Brazil Nuts
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Join Brazil Nuts for Bate Papo: Portuguese Language Hour in the Global Hub!

Tuesday, September 24

12:00 pm Information Session
Fall 2024 Global Distinction Drop-In Hours
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center, Center for Ethnic Studies Research, Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, European Studies Center, Global Studies Center, Global Hub, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs, Office of International Services and Global Experiences Office
See Details

Attention: Undergraduate students! Are you looking to gain experience that will help prepare you for a globally-connected job market? Stop by Drop-In Hours to learn more about getting the Global Distinction added to your academic transcript, receiving special recognition at graduation, and standing out to prospective employers!

12:30 pm Lecture Series / Brown Bag
Beyond the Ballot: Europe's Democratic Journey
4217 Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center and European Union Center of Excellence
See Details

Erica Edwards, University of Pittsburgh
Jae-Jae Spoon, University of Pittsburgh

Tim Bale, Queen Mary University of London
Diane Bolet, University of Essex
Simon Hix, European University Institute

2:30 pm Student Club Activity
Slovak Conversation Table
Global Hub
Announced by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies and Global Hub on behalf of
See Details

Come practice your conversational Slovak with your classmates.

4:00 pm Lecture
How Does One Become Racist?
Wesley W. Posvar Hall Room 4900
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center and European Union Center of Excellence along with Department of History and Department of French and Italian
See Details

Join historian and sociologist Carole Reynaud-Paligot for a compelling discussion on the paradox of racism. Specializing in the history of ideas, race, and identity in Western societies, Ms. Reynaud-Paligot holds a doctorate from EHESS and has authored several influential works, including Parcours politique des surréalistes 1919-1969, De l'identité nationale, and L'Ecole aux colonies. Dr. Reynaud-Paligot will explore why racism persists despite the scientific invalidation of the concept of "human races."

4:00 pm Curriculum Development
Beyond Diversification: Creating a Shared Vocabulary for Decolonization
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Director's Office and Global Hub along with University Center for Teaching and Learning
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Join the University Center for International Studies for its first event in the Fall 2024 mini-series "Unpacking the Buzzwords." This mini-series is the continuation of a Spring 2024 Year of Discourse and Dialogue initiative, and this semester, is made possible by a mini-grant from the University of Pittsburgh Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. During this event, we will reflect on the question, "What is Decolonization, Anyway?" as we hear from Dr. Sera Mathews, Director of Equitable and Inclusive Teaching at the University Center for Teaching and Learning.

Decolonization is a frequently discussed concept in higher education. Yet, there remains uncertainty about what it truly entails and how it can be intentionally applied to reimagine Eurocentric classrooms and curricula. This interactive session provides a space for meaningful dialogue and strategy building, enabling participants to engage with decolonization ideas authentically. The goal is to collaboratively develop a shared vocabulary that can be used to advance decolonization in teaching and learning.

5:00 pm Student Club Activity
Hungarian Conversation Table
Braun Room
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
See Details

Come practice your conversational Hungarian with fellow students!

5:30 pm Student Club Activity
French Club at Pitt
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with French Club
See Details

Join the French Club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during Fall semester for conversational meetings and to practice French speaking and listening skills and create a francophone community on campus!

French Club at Pitt will meet twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, during Fall 2024, EXCEPT on Tuesday, October 1 and November 6.

6:30 pm Student Club Activity
German Club at Pitt
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with German Club
See Details

Join the German Club on Wednesdays during Fall semester to practice speaking German and learn about German culture!

German Club at Pitt will meet on Wednesdays during Fall 2024, EXCEPT on Wednesday, October 1.

Wednesday, September 25

9:00 am Lecture
Brazil: It's All for Yesterday A pop-up course about Brazilian history, culture, and music
Posvar Hall, Center for Urban Education
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
See Details

Register here: https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/pop-up_registration

Free and open to the public

9:30 am Cultural Event
Café et Croissants! Welcome Event for French Program
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with French Department
See Details

Join the French Program for a welcome event for students interested in taking our globally-focused courses.

11:00 am Student Club Activity
Swahili Conversational Hour
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies and Global Hub along with Less Commonly Taught Languages Center
See Details

Looking to brush up on your Swahili? Join Swahili TA and students every Wednesday and Thursday in the Global Hub.

1:30 pm Reading Group
GALA Reading Group Session 1
4130 Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Global Studies Center along with Pitt World History Center
See Details

The Global Appalachia Reading Group is looking forward to this semester’s new book discussion. For Fall 2024, the World History Center and the Global Studies Center will host the second series of book discussions focusing on Appalachia from a global perspective. The semester’s series theme is Race, Place and Migration. Participation in all four events in the series is not required but encouraged. All events will take place from (please see dates below) 1:30-3:00pm. Copies of the books will be available for those planning to attend the event. Please contact Veronica Dristas at dristas@pitt.edu for the book or with questions.

Note: We are able to fund and distribute books to registrants as funding allows. Registration will remain open after this amount is reached. Registrants will be notified if we are unable to provide them with the reading material.

Session Descriptions:

September 25, 2024: African American Workers and the Appalachian Coal Industry by Joe William Trotter

October 23, 2024: Hillbilly Highway: The Transappalachian Migration and the Making of a White Working Class by Max Fraser

November 13, 2024: After Coal: Stories of Survival from Appalachia and Wales by Tom Hansell

December 4, 2024: Out of the Mountains: Appalachia Stories by Meredith Sue Williams

5:00 pm Cultural Event
African Languages Conversation Hour
Global Hub, Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies and Global Hub along with Less-Commonly-Taught Languages Center
See Details

This is an informal time to meet fellow speakers of African languages and practice your skills with a seasoned facilitator! All levels are welcome.

Monthly schedule -

1st Wednesday: Arabic & Wolof
2nd Wednesday: Swahili & Amharic
3rd Wednesday: Yoruba & Akan/Twi
4th Wednesday: Haitian Creole

5:30 pm Student Club Activity
French Club at Pitt
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with French Club
See Details

Description: Join the French Club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during Fall semester for conversational meetings and to practice French speaking and listening skills and create a francophone community on campus!

French Club at Pitt will meet twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, during Fall 2024, EXCEPT on Tuesday, October 1 and November 6.

7:00 pm Film
Public Health Building G23
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center
See Details

Join us as we kick off the first film of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival with Salli (2023), a Taiwanese film from Director Chien-Hung Lien. A lonely middle-aged chicken farmer embarks on a journey to a foreign land, determined to prove her online romance is real despite warnings of a scam.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

Thursday, September 26

9:00 am Lecture
Brazil: It's All for Yesterday A pop-up course about Brazilian history, culture, and music
Posvar Hall, Center for Urban Education
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
See Details

Register here: https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/pop-up_registration

Free and open to the public

11:00 am Student Club Activity
Swahili Conversational Hours
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies and Global Hub along with Less Commonly Taught Languages Center
See Details

Looking to brush up on your Swahili? Join Swahili TA and students every Wednesday and Thursday in the Global Hub.

12:00 pm Lecture
Asia Now Deborah Solomon
David Lawrence Hall 211
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center along with Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA)
12:30 pm Student Club Activity
Tavola Italiana
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with Department of French & Italian
See Details

Mangia con noi! Bring your lunch and chat with us! Pitt students only, all levels welcome!

1:30 pm Information Session
Info Session: Lakota Perspectives on Environmental Sustainability and Indigenous Rights
Global Hub, 1st Floor, Wesley W. Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for Ethnic Studies Research, Global Studies Center, Global Hub, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs and Global Experiences Office
See Details

Interested in experiential learning opportunities on environmental sustainability and indigenous rights? Join community organizers as well as Pitt students and faculty to hear about their work on the Pine Ridge Reservation, home of the Oglala Lakota Nation. The Lakota Program is the first service-learning program launched by the University Center for International Studies (UCIS) with indigenous communities in the United States. Learn about what you can accomplish and how to apply for Summer 2025. (In-person event only.)

Friday, September 27

2:00 pm Information Session
Русское чаепитие -- Russian Tea + Scholarship Info Session
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies and Global Hub along with Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures
See Details

Join the Slavic department for an informational event about scholarship and funding opportunities for language study.

4:00 pm Lecture
How to Conduct Yourself: Dissident Advice Manuals in Late Soviet Society
Baker/Porter Hall 246A
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies along with Carnegie Mellon Department of History
See Details

In the 1970s, a new genre of samizdat emerged in the Soviet Union: the dissident conduct manual, covering situations ranging from interrogations to apartment searches to interviews with psychiatrists. They spoke not to the age-old question "What is to be done?," but the existential "How should you conduct yourself?" What did self-respect require? Did interrogation rooms and psychiatric wards demand a distinct code of behaviour, a moral state of exception- or did they merely reproduce everyday Soviet reality in a heightened form?

5:30 pm Film
Emicida: AmarElo - It’s All for Yesterday
Frick Fine Arts
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
See Details

Director: Fred Ouro Preto. Screening followed by Q&A session with Emicida. Reception to follow.

Register here: https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/content/emicida-amarelo-its-all-yesterday...

Free and open to the public

6:00 pm Cultural Event
Celebrate Africa Fashion Show
Ground Floor, Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies along with Union of African Communities in Southwestern PA
See Details

Join us for an African fashion show to kick off our Celebrate Africa Festival!

6:00 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia City of Wind
Harris Theater
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center and Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
See Details

Join us for a screening of City of Wind at Harris Theater, a hauntingly beautiful drama set in the cold, arid landscape of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. This film follows Ze, a teenage shaman, as he struggles to balance his traditional spiritual role with the modern, chaotic world of adolescence. Between rituals and everyday life, Ze's journey through romance and self-discovery reveals the delicate line between two worlds that coexist in his reality.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

*Please Note: Pitt ID holders can reserve tickets by clicking “Promo Code” in the upper right corner of the Harris Theater website and using SCREENSHOT24 as the code. IDs will be checked on entry.

Content Warning: Some sexual content

8:15 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia In Flames
Harris Theater
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center
See Details

Join us for a screening of In Flames at Harris Theater, a haunting examination of the intersection between personal trauma and societal oppression in Pakistan. After Miriam's father dies, she and her mother Fariha are left vulnerable, facing a growing sense of dread that blurs the line between supernatural menace and real-world threats. This film starkly portrays the gender dynamics and violence that women face, offering a powerful, socially relevant narrative that debuted at Cannes in 2023.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

*Please Note: Pitt ID holders can reserve tickets by clicking “Promo Code” in the upper right corner of the Harris Theater website and using SCREENSHOT24 as the code. IDs will be checked on entry.

CONTENT WARNING: Sexual content and disturbing imagery

Saturday, September 28

10:00 am Cultural Event/Festival
Celebrate Africa Festival!
Ground Floor, Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies and Global Hub along with Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Union of African Communities in South Western PA
See Details

The Celebrate Africa Festival brings students, faculty, and staff together with the vibrant African diaspora community in Pittsburgh. There is food, song & dance, artisans, children's activities, and more! It is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the diversity of Africa and the Pittsburgh community, as well as network with local African organizations and businesses.
Find the full schedule of events and vendor list here: https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/africa/celebrate-africa-2024

12:00 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia In The Land of Brothers
Frick Fine Arts 125
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center
See Details

Join us for a screening of In the Land of Brothers at Frick Fine Arts Auditorium 125, a poignant drama about Afghan refugees in Iran. The film explores how the family's displacement reverberates across generations and speaks to the constant feeling of otherness that comes with being a refugee. Through the lives of Mohammad, Leila, and Qasem, this beautifully shot debut by Alireza Ghasemi and Raha Amirfazli reflects on the enduring struggle for belonging and identity amidst political upheaval.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

2:00 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia A Normal Family
Frick Fine Arts 125
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center
See Details

Join us for a screening of A Normal Family at Frick Fine Arts Auditorium 125, a gripping adaptation of the novel The Dinner that delves into personal morality amidst a family crisis. As two brothers, Jae-wan and Jae-gyu, clash over their differing ethical views, their respective children’s legal troubles force the family to confront their values and relationships.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

2:00 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia The Day of Reckoning
Mount Lebanon Public Library
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center along with Mount Lebanon Public Library
See Details

Join us for a screening of The Day of Reckoning at Mt Lebanon Library on September 28 or Frick Fine Arts Auditorium 125 on September 29. This documentary by Xu Xing uses a personal love story to explore the broader sweep of China’s political history since 1949. By intertwining individual destinies with national narratives, the film offers a reflective view of a nation’s evolving story and seeks to uncover overlooked historical perspectives.

Both viewings will include a Live Q&A with director Xu Xing.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID, and the Mt Lebanon Library viewing is free for all. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

5:30 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia Black Dog
Harris Theater
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center
See Details

Join us for a screening of Black Dog at Harris Theater, a visually stunning exploration of an ex-con and his unlikely bond with a stray dog in the Gobi Desert. This moving film delves into themes of isolation, belonging, and the search for redemption against the desolate beauty of the desert. With breathtaking imagery and an emotional journey that is both wistful and humorous, Black Dog reflects on love, longing, and the unpredictability of the future.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

*Please Note: Pitt ID holders can reserve tickets by clicking “Promo Code” in the upper right corner of the Harris Theater website and using SCREENSHOT24 as the code. IDs will be checked on entry.

CONTENT WARNING: Some animal violence

8:30 pm Film
SCREENSHOT: Asia Sweet Dreams
Harris Theater
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center and European Studies Center
See Details

Join us for a screening of Sweet Dreams at Harris Theater, a darkly comedic and surreal exploration of colonial legacy in Indonesia. As the plantation owner’s death uncovers familial strife and colonial absurdities, the film delves into the complex relationships and power struggles within a sugar plantation. With its blend of malevolence and absurdity, Sweet Dreams critically examines how colonialism permeates and distorts every facet of life.

This film is part of the SCREENSHOT: Asia Film Festival, which takes place September 25-29. All films are free for Pitt students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Registration in advance is requested but not required. For the full schedule of films, please visit screenshot.pitt.edu.

*Please Note: Pitt ID holders can reserve tickets by clicking “Promo Code” in the upper right corner of the Harris Theater website and using SCREENSHOT24 as the code. IDs will be checked on entry.

CONTENT WARNING: Sexual content, Sexual violence, Disturbing imagery