Spring 2014 GSC Newsletter

PDA Transforms Global Students Collection

By Daniel Pennell & Clare Connors

PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) or DDA (Demand Driven Acquisition) is transforming how ULS builds its collections.  While bibliographers like GSC’s Daniel Pennell continue to shape the GSC collection with major purchases, patrons like you also play a key role.  As Daniel Pennell explains, any book or item that is requested three times is automatically purchased in electronic form through the PDA process.  If that particular item is consistently requested over several years, ULS typically purchases a hard copy.

Based on a review of PDA generated purchases, Daniel Pennell, along with other librarians in the ULS, have developed holdings concentrating on sub-topics within the four focal themes.   The listings below highlight the themes and subjects in which the ULS has collected materials.

We would like to hear your thoughts about the list below and other topics, themes, and areas in which you have been doing research and checking out materials from the ULS system.  Please email the GSC to let us know, and we will report back in our Spring 2014 newsletter. 



AY 2013 Global Studies Collecting Trends By Subject-heading


Global Health

Global warming/climate change/water resources/air quality

HIV, pandemics, immunization, contraception

Aging and the welfare state

Food security

Global Economy

Crisis of global capitalism

Income inequality




Global Security 

China vs. the West

Criminology and cyber-security/financial crime

Power of non-state actors


Global Society

Internet and popular culture

Global population movement: immigration, human trafficking, refugees

Rise and role of civil society

Religion and tolerance

Human rights


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