Full Details

Monday, February 8

Charlemos Series: China in Latin America: Economic Dependency and Public Opinion
3:00 pm
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies along with Latin American Political Institutions Section LASA
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The tenth Charlemos event will take place on Monday, February 8, 2021 at 3 pm. The topic of discussion will be "China in Latin America: Economic Dependency and Public Opinion. Barbara Stallings (Brown University) will discuss her paper, "A Dependency Perspective on the United States, China, and Latin America" and Scott Morgenstern (University of Pittsburgh) will discuss his forthcoming paper (co-authored with Asbel Bohigues, University of Salamanca), "Battling for the Hearts and Minds of Latin Americans: Covariance of Attitudes Towards the United States and China." Javier Corrales (Amherst College) will moderate the discussion.

To read copies of the papers, please visit: https://www.ucis.pitt.edu/clas/content/charlemos

Registration is required: https://tinyurl.com/yyyxfoyq