Events in UCIS

Thursday, April 8 until Friday, April 8

8:00 am Conference
Georgia Consortium: Exploring the Complexities of Vietnam
Online via Zoom
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center
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Register here.

Thursday, May 13 until Friday, May 14

9:00 am Conference
African Studies Spring Conference
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies
See Details

The African Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh is hosting a virtual conference May 13-14, 2021 to ponder African futures in the context of current challenges and to think about innovative strategies for moving forward with the continent's development agenda. This conference will provide a platform for scholars and practitioners who work on Africa related topics to engage in conversations about Africa's economic growth, development and transformation based on their research, practice and scholarship. The first day of the conference will consist of a keynote panel comprised of distinguised scholars and practitioners. The second day of the conference will consist of a keynote spekaer who will examine the general landscape of Africa's development, and the necessity of finding alternative pathways to solve the challenges facing African countries in development efforts.

The topics of discussion are wide ranging and interdisciplinary in nature. We invite you to join us for this very enriching conference. This year, because we are virtual, we are especially excited to have speakers and participants from across the United States, Africa, Europe and other places to share their research and experiences in the field of African Studies. We are looking forward to having important conversations about Africa's growth and development prospects especially inlight of the gloabl pandemic. Discussions will be focussed on what the various African countries are doing in efforts to find sustainable solutions to Africa's biggest challenges, ranging from reducing poverty and gender inequality to addressing health and wellbeing.

Friday, May 14

11:00 am Film
Russian Film Symposium 2021: Many Faces of Russian Animation – Animated Shorts
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies along with the Office of the Dean of Arts & Sciences, The Humanities Center, Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures, Film and Media Studies Program, Graduate Program for Cultural Studies and The Pittsburgh Foundation
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This panel presents films by six contemporary Russian animators: Svetlana Andrianova, Nina Bisyarina, Liana Makaryan, Leonid Shmel’kov, Dina Velikovskaya, and Varia Yakovleva. They belong to different generations of animators and in their work, they use different styles and techniques. All of these techniques, however, including the weightless lines in Dina Velikovskaya's Ties, minimalistic drawings of Svetlana Andrianova’s Lucky Ticket and Once upon a Time There Was a House, schematic watercolors of Nina Bisyarina’s How Much Does the Cloud Weigh?, rustic cut-outs of Varia Yakovleva’s Anna, Cat-and-Mouse, and post-impressionistic Lola the Living Potato by Leonid Shmel’kov, celebrate the limitless potential of animation to create imagery. What also unites these different films is their exploration of relationships—at the focus of all of them is the topic of connectivity with others and with the world.
This screening will be available worldwide during the duration of the panel.
Curator and Host: Olga Blackledge, Assistant Professor
Department of Communications and Media Arts
Bethany College

Introducer: Laura Pontieri, Independent Scholar

Respondent: Michele Leigh, Assistant Professor
Department of Cinema and Photography
Southern Illinois University

Please register for the film screening here:
Register for the introduction and discussion here:

6:30 pm Panel Discussion
Observatorio Latinoamericano: Colombia
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies along with Colombia en Pittsburgh
See Details

Colombia atraviesa uno de los momentos más críticos de su historia reciente. Una serie de protestas multitudinariasque lleva más de dos semanas han creado caos en varias ciudades. El gatillo de la situación actual fue el anuncio de una reforma fiscal que el gobierno presentó al congreso. A pesar de haber retirado la propuesta y renunciado el ministro de Hacienda, las confrontaciones no han cesado. Este panel propone analizar la problemática colombiana desde perspectivas social, política y económica.

Moderado por: Lucia Dammert (Universidad de Santiago de Chile)

Marla Ripoll (University of Pittsburgh)
Miguel García (Universidad de los Andes)
Fabio López de la Roche (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)
Jorge Enrique Delgado (University of Pittsburgh)

The event will be in Spanish. // El evento será en español.

Poster Image credit: Leon Hernandez