Events in UCIS

Tuesday, February 28

10:00 am Seminar
WHAT MAKES AN ATMOSPHERE: The Visual Preparation for a Film Through Mood Boards and Storyboards Series
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center
See Details

Director, Night Ride (Noćna vožnja)

This is a three-part seminar that focuses on what makes a film visually distinctive, and
how mood boards and storyboards can be used in the pre-production process to
help the director, the cinematographer, the costume designer, the art director, and
the rest of the crew envision the right atmosphere for the film - and choose the
right tools to do so.

The goal of this seminar is also to encourage even Screenwriting students to
develop mood boards for their stories, as they can be a useful tool during the
screenwriting process as well.

FEB 14, 2023 @ 10:00-11:30 AM EST- Required
PART I: MOOD BOARDS - What are mood boards, and why are they important? Can
they be useful for screenwriters (during the development phase) as well, and how?

FEB 21, 2023 @ 10:00-11:30 AM EST (2nd Half-Optional)
PART II: STORYBOARDS – How do mood boards influence storyboards? How do we
make a storyboard?

FEB 28, 2023 @ 10:00-11:30 AM EST (Optional)
useful only in the later stages of pre-production? Is there even a right way to
approach the development and pre-production process, or can we shake things up
and start with the parts of pre-production which are usually reserved for the later
stages in the process of making a movie, only after a story (or script) is already set
in stone?

REQUIRED WORK: Participants will be asked to produce mood boards and
storyboards for their own projects. We will discuss their own exercises and work
during the seminar. They will also be asked to watch Vida Skerk's short film “Night
Ride” beforehand, as this film and the material made during the preparation for
this project will be used as examples during the seminar.

11:00 am Information Session
Center for Latin American Studies Ambassador Tabling
Global Hub
Announced by:
Center for Latin American Studies and Global Hub on behalf of
See Details

Join CLAS ambassadors to learn more about CLAS academic offerings and related programs.

1:30 pm Cultural Event
International Speed Friending, Part 2!
Globasl Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with English Language Institute
See Details

Join us for  Part 2 of our International Speed Friending activity!  Fun conversation activities will help international students meet American and local students and vice versa. Whether you attended the Speed Friending activity on Feb. 21 or not, everyone is welcome. Snacks will be served, and you can win prizes, too! Earn OCC credit and MyPittGlobal credit for participation.

Advance registration is requested but not required:

4:00 pm Reading Group
Clube do Livro
4200 Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
See Details

Monthly book club held in Portuguese. This month we will be discussing the book "Àgua funda" by Ruth Guimarães.


Romance de estreia de Ruth Guimarães (1920-2014), uma das primeiras escritoras negras a ganhar destaque na cena literária brasileira, Água funda foi lançado em 1946 – mesmo ano de Sagarana, de Guimarães Rosa. Mas enquanto o escritor mineiro se valia da plasticidade da fala sertaneja para inventar um léxico novo, entre o popular e o erudito, Ruth fez aqui uma original reconstituição etnográfica da linguagem caipira – que conheceu pessoalmente em sua infância passada no Vale do Paraíba e Sul de Minas –, aproximando-a das pesquisas de Mário de Andrade.
Entrelaçando diferentes tempos e personagens, inseridos no universo de uma comunidade rural na Serra da Mantiqueira, a autora construiu uma prosa ágil e fluida, permeada de ditos populares e causos marcados pela superstição e pelo fatalismo, que antecipa em certos aspectos o realismo mágico de Juan Rulfo e Gabriel García Márquez. É o caso das histórias de Sinhá Carolina, dona da Fazenda Nossa Senhora dos Olhos d’Água, e do casal Joca e Curiango, trabalhadores locais, num arco temporal que vai da época da escravidão até os anos 1930. Como afirma o narrador do livro: “A gente passa nesta vida como canoa em água funda. Passa. A água bole um pouco. E depois não fica mais nada”.

5:00 pm Student Club Activity
Hungarian Conversation Table
Cathedral of Learning 329
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
See Details

Come and practice your Hungarian and meet others interested in the language! All levels welcome.

6:30 pm Student Club Activity
German Conversation Hour
Global Hub
Announced by:
Global Hub on behalf of Pitt German Club
See Details

Join the German Club for Spring 2023's weekly conversation hours, on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm!

7:00 pm Workshop
CLAS Portuguese Miniseries 1
4130 Posvar
Sponsored by:
Center for Latin American Studies
See Details

Join us for student-run lessons to get a handle on the basics and to connect with other future Portuguese speakers! Plus, win a prize if you attend all three sessions!