Events in UCIS

Tuesday, October 24

8:00 am Conference
Pitt Model United Nations 2023
William Pitt Union and OHara Student Center, Pitt-Oakland Campus
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center, Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, European Studies Center, European Union Center of Excellence, Global Studies Center and UCIS Engagement along with PittMUN Club
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Through experiential learning, high school students engage directly with global issues by assuming the role of world leaders and negotiating responses to timely topics.

12:30 pm Student Club Activity
Talk Time - English Conversation Hour
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center, Center for Ethnic Studies Research, Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, European Studies Center, Global Studies Center, Global Hub, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs, Office of International Services and Global Experiences Office along with English Language Institute
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Come meet international students, make friends, practice conversational English, and have fun together, during these weekly discussion groups coordinated by the English Language Institute. Feel free to bring your lunch :)

3:00 pm Student Club Activity
French Conversation Hour
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with French Club
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Join the French Club for a conversation hour for French speaking individuals of varying levels to practice the French language.

3:30 pm Information Session
Global Distinction Drop-In Hours
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center, Center for Ethnic Studies Research, Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, European Studies Center, Global Studies Center, Global Hub, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs and Office of International Services
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Are you looking to gain experience that will help prepare you for a globally-connected job market? Stop by Drop-In Hours to learn more about getting the Global Distinction added to your academic transcript, receiving special recognition at graduation, and standing out to prospective employers!

Fall 2023 Global Distinction Drop-In Hours: Tuesdays at 3:30-4:30 pm, except on November 21.

4:30 pm Panel Discussion
Human Rights Amid Violent Conflict: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Events in Israel and Gaza.
109 Barco Law Buidling
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies, European Studies Center and Global Studies Center
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Human Rights Amid Violent Conflict: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Events in Israel and Gaza is a panel discussion that will try to provide an academic space and context for those seeking to think and learn, as we are all witnessing heart-breaking violence and response in Israel and Gaza. Our goal is to offer academic contexts and input for thinking about the current moment, asking each forum participant to speak about: What sets of academic knowledge and frameworks are you drawing on as you follow the news from afar? What scholarly expertise can help us understand better the complexity of actors, institutions, interests, and international structures shaping events on the ground and what happens next?
Panelists include: Julia Santucci, Senior Lecturer in Intelligence Studies, Director of the Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership and Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum at Pitt's Graduate School for Public and International Affairs (security and human rights and the challenges policymakers face);
Michal Friedman, Assistant Teaching Professor & Jack Buncher Professor of Jewish Studies, History at Carnegie Mellon University (human rights activism within Israel);
Mohammed Bamyeh, Professor of Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh (Gaza, & its diverse actors and challenges & human experience );
Catherine Koverola, Director of the Center for African Studies (trauma and the course of violent conflict)

5:00 pm Presentation
NRIEP Scholarship Awardee Poster Showcase
Connolly Ballroom
Sponsored by:
Global Hub, Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs, Global Experiences Office and UCIS Engagement
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The Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs 2023 Scholarship Awardee Poster Showcase will be held on Tuesday, October 24 from 5-7 pm in the Connolly Ballroom in Alumni Hall.  Come join the 74 undergraduate and graduate students to learn about their global learning experiences abroad in the summer. The NRIEP Scholarship Program is nearly sixty years old and supports study abroad, internships, independent research and experiential learning for Pitt students around the world. 

5:00 pm Student Club Activity
Hungarian Conversation Table
Braun Room, 12th floor, Cathedral of Learning
Sponsored by:
Center for Russian East European and Eurasian Studies along with Less-Commonly-Taught-Languages Center
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Come practice your Hungarian and meet other people who are interested in speaking the language. All levels welcome!