The Women’s International Club of the Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs at the University of Pittsburgh cordially invites you to a tea and conversation to commemorate the birthday of Ruth Crawford Mitchell. Pitt graduate and Quo Vadis alumna Emily Wilk will share her research on the fascinating life of Ruth Crawford Mitchell.
Ruth Crawford Mitchell (June 2, 1890 – February 7, 1984) joined the University of Pittsburgh in 1924 as a lecturer on the history of immigration. Years later, Ms. Mitchell became an advisor to the then-Chancellor John G. Bowman, guiding him on the building of the Cathedral of Learning and the development of the Nationality Rooms. Ms. Mitchell worked closely with the Pittsburgh ethnic communities to raise funds for the building of the Nationality Rooms, over which she had major oversight during the design, drafting, and creation between 1926 through 1956 as the first director of the Nationality Rooms and Intercultural Exchange Programs.