Conversations On Europe (Archive Collection)

Conversations On Europe connects top experts from around the United States and Europe to discuss contemporary issues facing Europe and the Transatlantic relationship. Using both personal and institutional videoconference technology, panelists take questions and interact with audiences at Pitt and at remote sites in the US and Europe. Conversations On Europe is free and open to the public. A complete library of video resources to enhance transatlantic conversations is also now available.  In addition, you can view the full Playlist for Conversations on Europe on the Pitt Global Channel of YouTube. Please note, however, that the supplemental materials are only available by clicking on the topics listed below.

The series is intended to present a broad range of views and opinions about topics relevant to Europe. The views expressed are those of the presenters and cannot be taken to represent the views or opinions of the U.S. Government nor the European Union.

With thanks to our co-sponsoring partners in the network of Jean Monnet Centers in the U.S.A, especially: the Miami-Florida Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence at Florida International University; the EU Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne; the Center for European Studies at the University of Florida; the Center for European Studies at the University of Texas – Austin; and the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies at the Georgia Institute of Technology

We welcome your feedback on these videos and the Conversations on Europe series. Please take our survey.

100 Years of Women's Suffrage: Women in Europe Today

It's been 100 years since some women in Europe were first given the right to vote. How have women advanced since then, and what obstacles do they still face?


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Relevant Publications from the Panelists

Melanie Hughes, University of Pittsburgh

Mona Lena Krook, Rutgers University

Karen Offren, Independent Scholar

June Purvis, University of Portsmouth

Additional Books and Articles

Podcasts and Videos


Elections in Italy: A Next Wave for Populists?

Vi invitiamo a discutere con noi delle recenti elezioni in Italia, e delle loro possibili immediate conseguenze. Prenderemo in considerazione i risultati, e il modo in cui le varie coalizioni si sono sviluppate durante la campagna elettorale. Questa discussione a videoconferenza sarà condotta in italiano, e vi offrirà l’opportunità di fare esercizio di lingua. È possibile partecipare di persona o a distanza.


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Relevant Publications from the Panelists

Marco Cucculelli, Universitá Politecnica delle Marche

Aide Esu, University of Cagliari

Raffaella Patimo, Universitádi Bari

Francesca Ragno, University of Pittsburgh

Additional Books and Articles

Podcasts and Videos

May 1968: Legacies of Protest in France

‘May 1968’ is synonymous with the unrest that unfolded in Paris and beyond between students, trade unions, the police and the government over four long weeks. The events culminated in parliamentary elections later that summer, in which the Gaullists won an even bigger majority than they had previously held, and the resignation of President De Gaulle the following year and his replacement by another Gaullist leader. Yet even though it seemed as though nothing had changed, politics, policy, and society in France were arguably never the same again.


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Relevant Publications from the Panelists

Daniel Gordon, Edge Hill University

Giuseppina Mecchia, University of Pittsburgh

Salar Mohandesi, Bowdoin College              

Chris Reynolds, The Nottingham Trent University

Additional Books and Articles

Podcasts and Videos

European Cities in the 21st Century

How are European cities employing strategies for resiliency in the face of climate change? What are the considerations in governance of education and housing to promote social justice? How is technology being employed to create Smart cities with better transportation networks and energy grids? And how have European cities built networks within the European Union to share best practices and fund urban redevelopment?


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Relevant Publications from the Panelists

Marco Bontje, University of Amsterdam

Alistair Cole, Sciences Po Lyon

Katrina Kelly, University of Pittsburgh

Ali Madanipour, Newcastle University

Additional Books and Articles

Podcasts and Videos

Wind, Water, Sun: Clean Energy in Europe

Did you know that the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive sets rules for the EU to achieve a target of 20% renewables for final energy consumption by 2020? And that EU member states have already agreed on a new renewable energy target of at least 27% of final energy consumption in the EU as a whole by 2030? At the same time, the European Commission has set goals for a clean energy transition that mark a major step towards the creation of a European Energy Union.


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Relevant Publications from the Panelists

Shanti Gamper-Rabindran, University of Pittsburgh

Jonas Meckling, UC Berkeley

Espen Moe, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Additional Books and Articles

Podcasts and Videos

Nationalism and Secessionism in Spain, Italy, and Beyond

Catalonia declares independence from Spain. Northern Italian regions vote on increasing autonomy from Rome. And these are just the latest secessionist and independence movements making news in Europe. Our panel of experts discussed nationalism and secessionism and potential implications for the European Union.


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Relevant Publications from the Panelists

Sergi Pardos-Prado, University of Oxford

Gianluca Passarelli, Sapienza University

Simon Toubeau, University of Nottingham

Additional Books and Articles

Podcasts and Videos

European Integration Through Study Abroad? 30 Years of the Erasmus Program

What is the power of study abroad for forging new identities? We looked at the EU’s billion-dollar student and scholar exchange program called ERASMUS, which has reshaped higher education in Europe. With what results? How successful has the program been for the Europeanization of Europe’s college-aged youth? And what impact will Brexit have on the program?

Portuguese Identity: Iberia, Europe, and the World

Portuguese speakers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives entered into a wide-ranging discussion of Portuguese identity today. From literature to material culture; from its imperial past to its present as a member state on the European periphery, our experts discussed em português the forces shaping Portuguese identity.

The Dutch Bellweather: What is the Forecast For a “Nexit” or “Frexit?”

After the Brexit referendum in the UK and Trump’s election in the U.S. in 2016, political observers wonder what is in store for 2017. Join us to discuss the results of the March 15, 2017 elections in the Netherlands and the forecast for next month’s elections in France. How is populism fairing in Europe? What does Geert Wilder’s showing in the Netherlands suggest for Marine Le Pen’s prospects to become the next French president? Given the Euroscepticism expressed by both candidates and their popularity in recent polls, how likely is a Netherlands or French exit from the EU?

Transgender Europe

Join the ESC for a moderated “virtual roundtable” on the issues facing transgender men and women in Western and Eastern Europe today. This event will be co-sponsored by the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies Program and moderated by the GSWS Director, Todd Reeser.