Events in UCIS

Tuesday, September 17 until Wednesday, September 18

5:30 pm Student Club Activity
French Club at Pitt
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with French Club
See Details

Description: Join the French Club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during Fall semester for conversational meetings and to practice French speaking and listening skills and create a francophone community on campus!

French Club at Pitt will meet twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, during Fall 2024, EXCEPT on Tuesday, October 1 and November 6.

Wednesday, September 18

1:00 pm Cultural Event
ASC Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration/Welcome Back Students
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Asian Studies Center and Global Hub
See Details

Join the Asian Studies Center for a celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival and our Welcome Back Student event in the Global Hub! Snacks and a themed activity will be provided!

4:00 pm Reception
Global Studies Center Welcome Reception
4303 Wesley W. Posvar Hall (CUE Commons Room)
Sponsored by:
Global Studies Center
See Details


GSC cordially invites you to our Welcome Back Reception in the Center for Urban Education's Commons Room in 4303 Posvar Hall. We will serve light refreshments. Faculty, staff, and students are all encouraged and welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served.

5:00 pm Cultural Event
African Languages Conversation Hour
Global Hub, Posvar Hall
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies and Global Hub along with Less-Commonly-Taught Languages Center
See Details

This is an informal time to meet fellow speakers of African languages and practice your skills with a seasoned facilitator! All levels are welcome.

Monthly schedule -

1st Wednesday: Arabic & Wolof
2nd Wednesday: Swahili & Amharic
3rd Wednesday: Yoruba & Akan/Twi
4th Wednesday: Haitian Creole

5:30 pm Student Club Activity
French Club at Pitt
Global Hub
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with French Club
See Details

Join the French Club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays during Fall semester for conversational meetings and to practice French speaking and listening skills and create a francophone community on campus!

French Club at Pitt will meet twice weekly, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, during Fall 2024, EXCEPT on Tuesday, October 1 and November 6.