Events in UCIS

Thursday, February 11

12:30 pm Lecture Series / Brown Bag
‘Inescapable Liabilities’: Locating Algeria in European Integration’s History
Sponsored by:
European Studies Center and European Union Center of Excellence
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JMEUCE Lecture Series:
This talk places empire and decolonization at the heart of the history of European integration. When French officials came to the negotiating table to help found the European Economic Community (EEC), their sovereignty over Algeria was a paramount concern. As a result, they demanded that their European collaborators agree to name Algeria in the treaty establishing the EEC. This held unintended consequences before and after Algeria’s independence. Algeria’s exit from Europe proved plodding and uneven, demonstrating both the range of possibilities for what the shape of integrated Europe might have been and also the slow process of decolonization.

Megan Brown
Department of History, Swarthmore University

1:00 pm Lecture
Let's Talk Africa: The Past, Present, and Future of Women and Law in Africa
Sponsored by:
Center for African Studies
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Come join The Honorable Ari Tobi, renowned speaker and writer. This conversation will focus on the pre-colonial to postcolonial experiences of African women in law, from a jurisprudential viewpoint.

3:15 pm Cultural Event
Laber Rhabarber - German Conversation Hour
Sponsored by:
Global Hub along with Department of German
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Laber Rhabarber - More than a German conversation hour!

"... the most human thing we have is language, and we have it in order to talk." German author Theodor Fontane wrote in 1892. So, here's chance! Be human with us for an hour every week, albeit in German ;D

Everyone and every level of German welcome!

Zoom Meeting link:
German Dept. website:
Follow us on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter: @UPittGerman