The annual Brussels-Lux Study Tour is a week-long opportunity for educators across the U.S. to learn more about the European Union. With funding from the EU Delegation and the U.S. Department of Education, K-12 educators and faculty teaching at community colleges and minority-serving institutions (Title III- or Title V-eligible) are able to gain first-hand knowledge and experiences to further their understanding of Europe and the European Union. Visits to EU institutions and other organizations provide an inside look at the issues facing Europe and the EU. Educators also participate in a day-trip to Luxembourg to visit the European Court of Justice.
Events in UCIS
Sunday, June 18 until Saturday, June 24
Friday, June 23 until Saturday, June 24
The Alliance for Learning in World History is accepting applications for a Workshop for Educators to be held during the World History Association’s Annual Conference at the University of Pittsburgh. The two-day professional development workshop is sponsored by the Alliance for Learning in World History (ALWH) and the World History Center at the University of Pittsburgh. The Alliance will cover the conference registration fee, the cost of joining the WHA, and apartment-style dorm housing on the University of Pittsburgh campus for two nights. Accepted participants will also receive a $250 stipend at the end of the conference. This stipend is intended to defray the costs of travel to Pittsburgh.
Applications are welcome from educators at all levels who would like to explore how to teach and talk about "energies" in their classroom. The theme of Energies is intended to include the widest range of topics and geographic locales, ranging from energy technologies (from muscle power to solar cells), to energy and globalization, to teaching in a time of climate change, and even to energy as a metaphor for charisma or other social dynamics.
Applications are due January 20! For more information, visit or contact
Saturday, June 24
While the World History Association Annual Conference will primarily take place in other parts of Posvar Hall, conference registration on Thursday, June 22-Saturday, June 24 will take place in the Global Hub. The World History Association Conference is dedicated to transnational and global history and scholarship.