Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Model African Union?
Where and when is the Conference?
MAU is usually held in the spring semester during normal school hours at the University of Pittsburgh's Oakland Campus. In 2024, the conference will be held on April 12th in person and will have a virtual option. You can register here! Registration is due by January 15, 2024.
What should students bring?
- Laptop/tablet (something that can connect to WiFi & be used to contribute to resolutions on Google Docs)
- Laptop/tablet charger
- Scrap paper & pens
- Water bottle
Why should students participate?
Students will:
Gain an understanding of African culture and history
Learn about and research issues affecting Africans
Improve negotiation, debate, and leadership skills
Connect with new people and make new friendships
Which topics are discussed?
Topics from previous simulations include:
Peace and Security
Women, Gender, and Development
Youth Unemployment
Rural Economy and Agriculture
Civil Society
Public Health Systems and Covid-19 Responses
What is the role of a faculty advisor?
The faculty advisor is a teacher who leads and is responsible for a team or teams of students at the MAU conference. The advisor assists students with their research, serves as a coach during the conference, and coordinates the logistics of attending the conference.
How should I prepare for the MAU?
Get a good sense of the country you represent. You can do research on some of these topics (and get more ideas from our Resources page):
The country's type of government, and how often the country has elections
The strength or weakness of the country's public health system
Does the country owe a lot in foreign debt? (You can find this at the World Bank here.)
What are the main religions and ethnic groups in the country?
Are there major armed conflicts happening in the country right now?
What are the major industries of the country?
Then you'll have a good idea of the positions you should take on the agenda items as a delegate of your country.
You'll also want to make sure you understand the role of the African Union committee you're a part of, if applicable. You can check the AU handbook here.
What is a resolution and how do I write one?
A resolution is a paper that has been passed by a committee that addresses a specific issue. During a committee session, resolutions are used to promote debate and find solutions to the issues being discussed. Resolutions not only acknowledge the issues that are being debated, but also present a series of steps that can be taken resolve the conflict. Writing resolutions can be challenging since they must appeal to a broad range of members with differing concerns to be passed. Here is an example resolution:
Resolution 2.1
Sponsors: Nigeria, Tunisia
Signatories: Zambia, Mali, Kenya, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoir, Mozambique.
On the pressing issue of Terrorism
Recognizing the absolute necessity of cooperation of the entity African Union in the eradication of rampant terrorism
Affirming the devastating Nature of such terrorism on not only AU but also non-AU Nations.
The Executive Committee of the African Union hereby:
Support the consolidation of the anti-terrorist organizations into one united front;
Enacts a program against the availability of small arms and light weapons to terrorist including :
Ban the cross-border sale of weaponry
Disallow the carrying of the arm by any except the military
Institutionalize a system of effective education and Aid to abolish the breeding grounds for terrorism involving:
Separating aid into different channels for each region, enabling better control of the direction of said aid
Expedite the importation of volunteers with developmental aid
Carry out the education of citizens through the building of schools and teaching by aforementioned volunteers.
Create and Ad hoc Committee to provide for the planning of education of youth and adults
Calls Upon the use of forced funds through debt relief and aid from international organizations