Model African Union Resources

Resources for Research

  • These resources may help as you research your assigned country.
  • You can also reference the African Union Handbook to get a sense of the structure and purpose of the African Union.

News and Journals

African Union Databases


Issue-Specific Sites

Conflict, Weapons/Arms, and International Legal Resources

Country Specific Information Resources

Financial Organizations

Health and Human Rights Organizations


Topics for Research

Not sure what to research to learn about your assigned country? Here are some suggestions:

Government and Politics

  • The type of government of your country
  • How often they have elections, and do people believe elections are fair/free
  • Who is in power? What party are they from?
  • Are there any armed conflicts in your country now? Or recent ones?

Industry and Trade

  • Do they owe a lot in foreign debt?
  • What are their major exports? Crops? Trade partners?


  • Do they have any big environmental issues?

Public Health

  • Strengths/ weaknesses of the public health system
  • How have they dealt with Covid-19?
  • Is there a major public health crisis besides Covid-19? (Like HIV/AIDS, malaria, etc.)


  • Population size
  • Ethnic groups/ main religions/ etc.
  • What is the median age?


Past Model African Union Agendas

Click below to view past Model African Union conference agendas and sample resolutions:


Model African Union Conference 2020

Model African Union Conference 2019

Model African Union Conference 2018

Model African Union Conference 2017

Model African Union Conference 2016