The Model African Union is governed by rules of procedure. Students, faculty advisors, and moderators should familiarize themselves with these before the conference, although the rules and procedures will be reviewed briefly at MAU.
The agenda of the Opening Plenary Session will be (in order): (1) Roll Call of Delegations; (2) Convening of the Model A.U.; (3) Keynote Address; (4) Reception.
The agenda for the ordinary substantive sessions of the Committees will include: (1) Assignment of resolutions to agenda topics; (2) Consolidation of resolutions under each topic into a single consolidated draft; (3) Consideration and action on draft consolidated resolutions on each agenda topic.
- The Committees shall only consider the agenda topics assigned to them.
An amendment is anything that adds to, deletes from, or changes a draft resolution. A motion replacing the original proposal or not directly related to it is not an amendment and will be ruled out of order by the Chair. An amendment may not itself be amended. An amendment which is counter to an amendment already adopted will be ruled dilatory by the Chair.
No one may speak without first being recognized by the Chair.
When speaking, delegates will see that their remarks are relevant to the motion on the floor. If they fail to do so, the Chair will call them to order.
At any time, a delegate may complain of improper procedure by raising a Point of Order. The Chair will immediately rule on the Point and their decision is final, unless 2/3 majority votes to Appeal (and reverse) their decision.
In order to ask a question of the Chair, delegates will rise to a Point of Information. The Point of Information will not interrupt any speaker.
To end the session for a specified period of time, a motion to suspend the session is required. Such a motion would be required to end the session in expectation of resuming at a specified time. Such a motion will also be required for either moderated or un-moderated caucuses. Such a motion requires a second, is not debatable, and is decided by a simple majority.
- The order of precedence of motions is as follows: (1) Point of Order; (2) Suspend the Session; (3) Adjourn the Session; (4) Suspend/Resume Debate; (5) Close Debate; (6) Other motions.
Each Member State has one vote and only one voting representative.
Resolutions and amendments of the Committees only require a simple majority.
In determining a simple or two-thirds majority only in Committees, only votes of yes or no will be counted. A vote of abstain will not be used in determining whether there is a majority.
- After debate on a proposal or amendment has been closed, but before voting begins, a delegate may move to divide the question. They would do so if they want to vote on the proposal or amendment in several parts. Such a motion must specify the division, is not debatable, and is put to an immediate vote, a simple majority required.
A motion or proposal may be altered by a friendly amendment - a change agreed to by all sponsors of that motion or proposal. Such amendments must be announced to the Chair. All other amendments are unfriendly. Ordinary amendments must be moved, seconded, and submitted in writing to the Chair. A moved and seconded amendment will be debated and voted on. Motions to introduce proposals or amendments may be made either in a speech or after being recognized by the Chair.
Once the decision on a proposal or amendment has been announced, any delegate who voted with the majority may move for its reconsideration. A two-thirds majority is required. If there is a majority, a re-vote will be taken. The Chair may rule such motions dilatory. This ruling is subject to appeal.
A delegate may motion for an unmoderated caucus. The delegate must specify an amount of time for the caucus. The adoption of this motion requires a majority. The unmoderated caucus allows delegates to move around the room, converse, and negotiate with each other without any formal rules or limitations.
A delegate may motion for a moderated caucus. The delegate must specify the amount of time and topic for the caucus. In a moderated caucus the Committee remains in session but operates informally. The Chair will recognize delegations that wish to speak in turn at the Chair’s discretion; no speakers list is used. The moderated caucus may be used as a question and answer period, or as a means to facilitate a discussion of draft provisions.
When speakers list is used, the speakers shall be given one and one-half minutes. The Chair will call speakers to order if they exceed their time. The Chair shall ensure that all delegates have equal opportunity to participate in debate.
Prior to beginning his/her speech, a delegate may request that all or part of his/her time be yielded to another. Once yielded, time may not be yielded a second time.
A delegate may speak to the draft resolution, amendments, or all of the above while on a particular speakers list.
A Point of Inquiry may be used to question a speaker after they have finished speaking: a questioner will address the Point to the Chair, who will then ask the speaker if they wish to yield.
At any time a delegate may motion to suspend debate on a draft resolution.
After the debate is closed, either through exhaustion of the speaker list or a successful closure motion, the proposed resolution or amendment will come to an immediate vote. If debate is closed on a topic, proposed resolutions will be voted on in the order they were submitted.
- The Committees shall establish an order of presentation of their resolutions to the Assembly.
Robert's Rules of Order, Revised will be the parliamentary authority for all rules of procedure not covered above.