Sunday, February 21
ESCape Into a Book: Gingerbread
Monday, February 22
Serving the People: What It Means to Be a Representative
Charlemos Series: Movimientos Feministas y el Derecho al Aborto en el Cono Sur
4:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Human Rights and Human Security
7:00 pm Information Session
CLAS Ambassadors and Panoramas Interns Information Session
Tuesday, February 23
10:30 am Lecture Series / Brown Bag
JMintheUS: The EU Policy on Digitization (of Art Collections)
12:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Diplomacy/Security and Intelligence
4:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Human Rights and Human Security
Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale
Location: Online via Zoom
Wednesday, February 24
11:00 am Information Session
African Studies Program Virtual Office Hours
Creature Comforts: Animals, Zoos, and Exotic Trafficking in Eurasia
12:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Health and Well-Being
3:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Diplomacy/Security and Intelligence
4:00 pm Career Counselling
Career in International Education
La Parlotte: French Conversation Club
5:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Health and Well-Being
6:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Human Rights and Human Security
Asia Pop: From Hanok to Hanbok
Thursday, February 25
12:30 pm Lecture Series / Brown Bag
JMintheUS: Republican Realism and Ideology in EU Politics
3:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Diplomacy/Security and Intelligence
Laber Rhabarber - German Conversation Hour
4:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Health and Well-Being
Crimes Against Humanity in Latin America Series: Nicaragua
7:00 pm Teacher Training--Area Studies
From Our Classroom To Yours: Shibori - the Japanese Art of Shaped Resist Dyeing
7:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Human Rights and Human Security
Friday, February 26 until Saturday, February 27
Undergraduate Model European Union
Friday, February 26
12:00 pm Panel Discussion
The Capitol Insurrection in Global Perspective
12:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Diplomacy/Security and Intelligence
'It's a Yiddish Theatre, You Know?' The Jewish Amateur Art Collectives of Soviet & Post-Soviet Lithuania, 1956-1995
Russian Language Tutoring
2:00 pm Lecture Series / Brown Bag
#BLM: Reception in Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia
2:00 pm Career Counselling
Careers in Health and Well-Being
3:00 pm Student Club Activity
German Club Meeting
Panoramas Roundtable: Analyzing the Roots of Migration in Central America's Northern Triangle
5:00 pm Information Session
Alumni Happy Hour