UCIS Outreach is comprised of specialists in K-16 global and international programming from each of the six centers at Pitt’s University Center for International Studies: Center for African Studies, Asian Studies Center (including the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia), Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies, European Studies Center, and the Global Studies Center. Together, we design and offer a variety of in-person and online professional development opportunities for educators. These programs help educators acquire the tools and knowledge to effectively incorporate global and international content into their curricula. Our programs and resources include workshops, institutes, mini-courses, seminars, book discussion groups, conferences, networking opportunities, study tours, lending libraries, and school visits. Most of these opportunities grant Act 48 hours, and many can be accessed online. We also coordinate educator-driven initiatives tailored to your needs. To learn more about upcoming opportunities, click on "Programs and Events" in the toolbar. To propose an initiative, contact an Outreach Coordinator. Furthermore, we host several student programs throughout the academic year, including Cultural Communications Alliance International Marketing Competition, Gandhi Day, the High School Japanese Speech Contest, Model African Union, Model EU, Model UN, Moot International Criminal Court competition, and the PA Governor’s School for Global and International Studies. These programs help students develop global competencies and perspectives to thoughtfully engage with the world around them. Finally, we are a repository for classroom and continuing education resources! On this website, you can search "Resources" by activity type, world region, and/or grade level to discover innovative instructional materials and readings designed by experts and teachers who have participated in our programs.