Conversations On Europe (Archive Collection)

Conversations On Europe connects top experts from around the United States and Europe to discuss contemporary issues facing Europe and the Transatlantic relationship. Using both personal and institutional videoconference technology, panelists take questions and interact with audiences at Pitt and at remote sites in the US and Europe. Conversations On Europe is free and open to the public. A complete library of video resources to enhance transatlantic conversations is also now available.  In addition, you can view the full Playlist for Conversations on Europe on the Pitt Global Channel of YouTube. Please note, however, that the supplemental materials are only available by clicking on the topics listed below.

The series is intended to present a broad range of views and opinions about topics relevant to Europe. The views expressed are those of the presenters and cannot be taken to represent the views or opinions of the U.S. Government nor the European Union.

With thanks to our co-sponsoring partners in the network of Jean Monnet Centers in the U.S.A, especially: the Miami-Florida Jean Monnet European Center of Excellence at Florida International University; the EU Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne; the Center for European Studies at the University of Florida; the Center for European Studies at the University of Texas – Austin; and the Center for European and Transatlantic Studies at the Georgia Institute of Technology

We welcome your feedback on these videos and the Conversations on Europe series. Please take our survey.

Calling Foul: Electoral Interference in the US and Europe

Have we entered a new age of cyber-sabotage? In this session of Conversations on Europe, our expert panel explored episodes of foreign state interference in electoral politics in Europe and the U.S. past and present. From state-sponsored hacking to Wikileaks, what do we know about who is calling the shots? How have disinformation campaigns been used to meddle in domestic politics in countries throughout eastern and western Europe, and to what effect?

Migrant Experience in Germany (in german)

What has been described in the media as a migration crisis in Europe is being characterized by many aid workers as a reception crisis. The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has taken the lead among European heads of state in advocating for a safe and effective process of resettling migrants. Taking Germany as an example, a panel of experts discusses the migrant experience in that country. What are the legal processes for applying for asylum or settling as an economic migrant? What is the pathway to citizenship? What has been the public response? How does Germany's experience compare with other European countries? Randall Halle, Chair of the German Department, moderates the discussion, conducted entirely in German by native-level speakers.

Black Lives Matter: The Movement in Europe

In Europe, the Black Lives Matter movement in the U.S. has struck a chord with some. Issues of procedural inequalities and police violence have been made more public in Black Lives Matter marches in cities throughout Europe. Howdoes the movement in Europe differ from its American inspiration? Howdo issues of ethnicity and religion inform understandings of race in Europe? And what has been the response of authorities? Join our panel of experts for an in-depth exploration of this timely topic.

An Uncertain Future: US Elections and Transatlantic Relations

In this installment of Conversations on Europe, a panel of experts from both sides of the Atlantic examines the potential impact of impending elections in both the U.S. and Europe and explores significant transnational trends in electoral politics, including the rise of populism and the polarization of the electorate as well as the increasing importance of issues related to immigration, the economy, and trade. How might the US elections in November 2016 impact European politics and the transatlantic relationship? What electoral contests in Europe are likely to have the greatest impact on the U.S.?

Free Trade or Protectionism? Isolationism amidst globalization

In this installment of the European Studies Center's award-winning series of virtual roundtables, a panel of experts discusses the mid-2016 political and popular debates over free trade and trade agreements in the US and Europe. Why have NAFTA and TPP become such political hot potatoes in the 2016 election cycle? What accounts for popular hostility to TTIP in Germany and other European nations? How did trade deals impact the Brexit vote and what impact will that vote have on on-going and future trade negotiations?

The Continent is Cut Off! British Referendum on the EU

This June citizens in the United Kingdom will vote on that country’s place in Europe. At a time of rising Euroscepticism there and across Europe, Great Britain will decide if it is better off facing the range of challenges to the European project—economic growth, migration, terrorism, conflict on its borders—by itself or as part of the EU.

Whose Legacy? Museums and National Heritage Debates

Our panel of experts discuss the ethical and legal questions museums in the Europe and North America face in the on-going debates over art repatriation, conservation, and national vs. universal heritage.

The Rise of the Right: Comparing the American and European Political Landscapes

Across much of Europe, in Scandinavia, Austria, the Netherlands and Poland, rightwing parties have surged in the polls, in elections and in some cases to governing power.

The Climate for Climate Change Negotiations

The UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21 / CMP 11) taking place in Paris November 30-December 11, 2015 seeks to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2⁰C.

Rescue & Prevent: Responses to Europe's Migration Crisis

As hundreds of thousands of migrants flee conflicts in their home countries, Europe has become their goal at any cost. The flood of migrants crossing Europe’s land and sea borders has left the EU member states with no consensus on how to handle the crisis.