ARRGH, Avast Ye Swabs! (or so pirates are supposed to say...)
Join us for a swashbuckling mini-course on historical bandits and pirates around the world. What are the myths? What are the facts? Faculty experts will discuss global piracy, representations of pirates in the media, piracy in the Atlantic world, and bandits in East Asia. We will also discuss curricular applications of pirates and bandits for the K-12 classroom. This two day mini-course is particularly applicable for teachers of World History, U.S. History, East Asia studies, Global Studies, Film Studies and World Cultures.
We strongly encourage in-person attendance, but the program will be hybrid, and you may choose to attend online or in person. All participants will receive Global Piracy: A Documentary History of Seaborne Banditry by James Wadsworth; in-person participants will receive an extra book. Benefits also include a Certificate of Completion and some travel reimbursement subsidies available for in-person attendees who live at least one hour outside of the Pittsburgh area. Pennsylvania teachers will also receive Act 48 credits.