Asian Studies Center

The Asian Studies Center is Western Pennsylvania’s regional resource for research, teaching, learning and building connections about Asia. Through 106 affiliated faculty with expertise spanning the academic disciplines, we foster multidisciplinary academic programming and community engagement. Founded in 1969, the Center is widely recognized as one of the best and most comprehensive in the country for programs in Chinese and Japanese language and culture studies, with growing strengths in Indian and Korean studies.

Services Offered: 
Cultural Festivals
Professional Development Workshops
Resource Lending Library


Here is a sample of materials generated by the Asian Studies Center or as a result of programming in which they participated.


Intended Audience:
Faculty, Post-Secondary

Introduction to April 2015 workshop on "Mobilizing People, Students, and Ideas: Social Movements Across the Globe in the Undergraduate Curriculum" at the Community College of Beaver County, followed by a lecture by Dr. James Cook, Associate Director of the Asian Studies Center at the University of Pittsburgh, on “The River and the Air Run Black: Teaching China’s Environment."

Bibliographies/Suggested Readings

Intended Audience:
K-12, Post-Secondary

Teaching Go was an online book discussion of the 2018 Freeman Award winning book, Go, by Kazuki Kaneshiro that took place in May 2020. A modern nod to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Go is the story of a Korean boy and a Japanese girl who fall in love. Kaneshiro examines the ideas of fate and love at first sight, friendship and violence. The author’s main focus of...

Lesson Plans, Unit Plans, Modules

Intended Audience:
Higher Education

Dr. Adriana Helbig of the University of Pittsburgh developed the course Global Hip-Hop.

Outreach at Asian Studies Center

Patrick Hughes
Assistant Director, University of Pittsburgh coordinating site for the NCTA
Asian Studies Center, National Consortium on Teaching About Asia
Brenda G. Jordan
Director, University of Pittsburgh coordinating site for the NCTA
Asian Studies Center, National Consortium on Teaching About Asia
Catherine Fratto
Engagement Coordinator
Asian Studies Center
Stephen Wludarski
Program Manager, University of Pittsburgh coordinating site for the NCTA
Asian Studies Center, National Consortium on Teaching About Asia