Center for African Studies

The mission of the African Studies Program is to promote the interdisciplinary study of Africa at the University of Pittsburgh through high quality research and teaching about Africa and the African experience. The program provides a learning environment that facilitates a comprehensive and critical understanding of Africa and the African people through courses and activities designed to help students grasp the continent’s internal dynamics and its evolving place in the world as we prepare them for their leadership and service roles in global society.

Services Offered: 
Cultural Festivals
Guest Speakers
High School Student Events
Intensive Summer Language Study Opportunities
Pre-professional Workshops with High School Students and Staff
Professional Development Workshops
Resource Lending Library
School Visits


Here is a sample of materials generated by the Center for African Studies or as a result of programming in which they participated.

Lesson Plans, Unit Plans, Modules

Intended Audience:

These lesson, designed by a master educator, examine food from many diverse angles that can be incorporated in a learning environment to connect learning across disciplines. These lessons are organized for grades 9-12 but can easily be modified to fit the needs of any grade level. These lessons are intended to flow seemlessly with your core teaching objectives, serving to reinforce previously...

Intended Audience:

These lessons are the foundation for a exploration of gender with your students. These lessons, created by innovative researchers in the field, are targeted toward secondary level students (7-12), however, could be modified for any grade level. These expertly crafted lessons help you can your students explore female empowerment and training men as partners. Engage your students with a critical...

Intended Audience:

Sodo, Ethiopia
Erin Towns, a seventeen year veteran classroom teacher, utilizes geospatial technology and visuals from Sodo, Ethiopia to teach students and educators about geographic concepts of community space. This interactive series of lessons takes students and teachers on a visual journey through Sodo, Ethiopia while teaching them to how to use...

Outreach at Center for African Studies

Suad Yusuf
Graduate Student Fellow
Center for African Studies
Susan Ngbabare
Outreach Engagement Coordinator
Center for African Studies