Outreach Resources

UCIS Outreach Websites
The University Center for International Studies (UCIS) Outreach website provides access to educational resources from collaborative events held by Pitt's international studies centers, including REEES. This information may be particularly useful to educators seeking to internationalize their curricula.
Bridging Cultures Website
The “Bridging Cultures” site was developed through a National Endowment for the Humanities-sponsored partnership project between REEES and the Community College of Beaver County (CCBC). The UCIS Outreach Resources website features modules on East European cultures developed by CCBC faculty members to internationalize their courses, plus videos of lectures and discussions with East European communities conducted for the project. This material is particularly well suited to community college educators pursuing curriculum internationalization.
Reference Sources for Curriculum Development at the High School and College Level

REEES offers several Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia related curriculum development resources in the form of LibGuides

Russian Grammar and Literature Collection
Taylor Allderdice High School in Pittsburgh has donated to REEES a collection of Russian grammar and literature books (including many in the original Russian) that were previously used in the school's Russian language program. These books are available for free lending to educators and Russian language learners.
This collection houses a number of course resources: Beyond the Nine Mountains and Nine Forests: Folk and Fairy Tales from Eastern Europe Behind Bars (SLAV 1225). As well as a list of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies Resources including country web resources, books, articles, and statistics pertaining to our region, a collection of European Union Online Resources and a research guide onWater in Central Eurasia.

The University of Pittsburgh’s Department of History, in collaboration with the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures implemented a course on Transnational Pittsburgh which offers a section on Eastern European Pittsburgh. The University of Pittsburgh Library System offers a collection of resources on the oral histories of the African American Migrant and European Immigrant Oral Histories in the Steel Valley. Curated by Dan Pennell, Curator for Slavic, European, and Eurasian Studies and Archive of European Integration.

Understanding 20th Century Russian History Through Literature
This resource section is based on a workshop for high school teachers led by REEES Assistant Director Gina Peirce at Gateway Senior High School in Monroeville, PA. The workshop was part of a countywide professional development day organized by the Allegheny Intermediate Unit for K-12 teachers throughout Allegheny County, PA. 

Participants were introduced to several works of Russian literature that can be used in the high school classroom to illustrate the effects exerted on the lives of ordinary Russians by major historical events of the 20th century, from the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution to the Stalinist terror and the extensive “gulag” (prison camp) system. Excerpts of works by Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Zoshchenko, and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn were discussed. View the Power Point presentation used at this workshop, including complete bibliographical information.