The Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies is pleased to announce the Center's partnership with Russia Matters, starting April 2020. Russia Matters is a project launched in 2016 by Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York. The project’s main aim is to improve the understanding of Russia and the U.S.-Russian relationship among America’s policymakers and concerned public. It does so by showcasing the best expertise on Russia and its relationships with the rest of the world by providing top-notch analysis, relevant factual data and related digests of news and analysis. REEES joins Russia Matters in its efforts to build bridges between academe and the policymaking community. It is also our sincere hope that this partnership will help support a new generation of analytically rigorous Russia experts and will enable U.S. policy makers and the general public gain an informed understanding of how and why Russia matters in global affairs.