PITT STARTALK 2025: Modern Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity
The Pitt STARTALK Russian Program will be administered by the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (REEES), offering an intensive three-week residential Russian language summer camp from June 23 to July 12, 2025. The curriculum will be based on the theme “Modern Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity” through which students will be introduced to various topics related to computer studies, computer-assisted language learning, Internet culture, cybersecurity, machine learning, etc. in the target language (Russian). The language curriculum will be performance-based, content-based, and student-centered, developing language skills in all modes required for successful communication—speaking, listening, reading, and writing, with a goal of ACTFL Intermediate High proficiency for students in Group 1 and Advance Low to Advance Mid for students in Group 2. Other anticipated outcomes include the students’ increased cultural competence and professional career readiness in a number of fields such as cybersecurity, data analysis, computational linguistics, digital humanities, and many more. The program is for 20 students entering first year in college through the senior year, both second language learners and heritage speakers, providing a total of 120 instructional hours. Besides working closely with the School of Computing and Information at Pitt and their students, REEES will partner up with other universities which have strong focus on technology, computer sciences, and cybersecurity and offer Russian language classes and/or Russian Major/Minor to recruit participants, while also accepting applications from students at other U.S. colleges.
Requirements and eligibility
Undergraduate students from US colleges, with at least four semesters of Russian or Intermediate Mid through Intermediate High level of language proficiency, including heritage speakers, are eligible to apply. All STARTALK participants are required to participate in all language classes and cultural activities from the beginning to the end of the program.
June 23 - July 12, 2025
The Pitt Russian STARTALK program is free of charge to accepted students (including instructions, instructional materrials, meal and board, and excursions).