African Studies Undergraduate Scholarship

If you are an undergraduate student studying abroad in Africa this year, please consider applying for the African Studies Scholarship. You may be awarded anywhere from $500-$2,000 to support tuition, travel, accommodation and meals. Priority is given to students enrolled in the African Studies Certificate.


  • A 1-page essay on why you would like to receive the scholarship, covering the following points: 1. The name and purpose of the program; 2. What activity the scholarship is funding (eg. Study abroad, internship, research, etc.); 3. The reason you're interested in this specific program; 4. The impact your experience will have on your academic/professional career.
  • An itemized budget for your trip using this template.
  • A written report after your travels submitted to the Center for African Studies by August 1st. This will be used in our annual report on our website.

Application Due Date: January 31st

Apply Here